Privacy and Data Protection Policy

The Scout Association takes the issue of privacy very seriously and is committed to protecting and respecting our users' privacy online.  20th Glasgow (1st Milngavie) Scout operates in line with the Scouts Privacy and Data Protection Policy  All volunteers undertake Scouts training on data protection.  

All of our records are kept on Online Scout Manager (OSM).  For more information see the Online Scout Manager Security and GDPR StatementThe Online Scout Manager (OSM) system we use generates an email requesting parents to confirm Personal Details  about their child which the volunteers require. These include emergency contacts, relevant medical information, photo consent, gift aid declaration and Scout census information. We also need to ensure that parents/carers keep this information up to date.

If you do not have access to a laptop/tablet/smartphone or would prefer to complete details on paper for any of the above, please contact a volunteer and we will make alternative arrangements.

This Privacy Statement sets out our current data processing practices for 

 1. The information we collect

The only personal & sensitive data we collect via this website is when you make a request for your child to join one of our sections using our ‘waiting list application’ page, which is administered by Online Scout Manager. All data will be deleted automatically after 7 years.


2. Registration information

You will not be asked to register via the Milngavie Scouts website.  You will have access to online registration for completion via Online Scout Manager (OSM).


3. Sharing of data

 We do not share data with any 3rd parties, all data collected via this website is for the sole purposes of the 20th Glasgow (1st Milngavie) Scouts waiting list requests. We do not pass this information onto any other Scout Groups.


4. Images

We only use images that our leaders have consent to use. If you wish us to remove any image for whatever reason, please contact and we will remove the image immediately.


5. Legal jurisdiction

No personal data or sensitive data is held on this website. Our waiting list and any personal data are all managed on Online Scout Manager (OSM). Data is held in a secure password protected online data centre.  Data is only kept for the purpose that it is intended i.e. to contact you when a place becomes available.  The data is used to determine availability within the appropriate section. We do not ask for data that is not used to determine suitability for spaces. Once a place is accepted the information is transferred to the appropriate section Team Leader.  If the offer of a place is rejected or no longer required then the data is deleted. 


6. Further information

No more than twice per year, we send out emails to people on the waiting list to let them know about volunteering opportunities available.  This is because we prioritise places for active volunteers. 


7.   3rd Party web links

We provide a connection to where you have the option to sign up to the annual Milngavie Trail Race. When you register on this site it is no longer protected by this privacy statement, you should read their privacy statement for details on how your data is managed

We provide a connection to   where you are able to find out your race times. Again, you must read their privacy statement and terms and conditions.

We provide a link to our closed Facebook Group for families of members The new Facebook Privacy Statment is avaialable here: 


8. Use of cookies by this website

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site


Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them,

To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites visit


9. The Data Protection Act

You can obtain further information about data protection laws by visiting the Information Commissioner's website at .


10. Contacting us

If you want to contact us to raise any questions about this privacy statement, or any general matters relating to  you can contact us using this email address

Please contact us if you wish to request a copy of any personal data we hold about you.