Partnership with Parents


As Scouts, we are guided by these values:


According to our constitution, parents and carers of Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers in the Group are all members of the Group Scout Council.  We expect volunteers, young people and their parents/carers to act in line with our Scout values.  All Leaders in the Scout Group are volunteers and we will try to prioritise Scouting as much as possible.  However we are not always immediately available to respond to enquiries or deal with issues and sometimes there will be a delay.

Getting involved

If you would like to get more involved you may wish to help out by joining  an adult rota or finding out more about more formal volunteering opportunities .  There are also opportunities throughout the year to help with hall maintenance and fund raising activities. 

Raising concerns

If you are unhappy about any aspect of Scouting in Milngavie please follow our complaints policy: Raising a concern or making a complaint about Scouting