Parent Info
Annual Subscriptions
The 2023/24 registration form which needs to be completed for each young person in the Group. For insurance purposes it is necessary that you complete the Initial Registration Form for each member.
In addition there is a form to accompany or confirm payment of the annual subscription fee of £105 for 23/24 year. This fee is used to pay our levy to national Scout HQ; improvement works, maintenance of the Scout Hall, badges, equipment and section activities as well as subsidising travel costs and camps. It usually increased each year to cover inflation and any increased costs from HQ.
Payment can be made by BACS transfer (Sort Code 80 08 98, Account 00383675) or by cheque payable to 20th Glasgow (1st Milngavie) Scout Group. Please return the attached payment form to the Treasurer or your Section Leader.
Please note it continues to be the policy of the Group that no individual should be denied Scouting because of financial hardship. If you experience difficulty in meeting the full subscription, please discuss this in confidence with your section leader or the Treasurer.
We are always looking for additional adult help to support and expand our existing leadership teams. This includes people to help with scouting activities with the young people and people to help with support roles for the group.
If you think you could get involved as a Section Leader or Assistant Leader, Group Active Support or as a member of the Group Committee, then please get in touch. You will be required to complete an application process and complete training modules relevant to the role you take on. All our Leaders, Assistants and Committee members are volunteers and your involvement and support for our activities and events is vital to the continued success of the Scout Group.
Data Protection / GDPR
We also need to continue to update our records and comply with Data Protection regulations. The Online Scout Manager (OSM) system we use will generate an email requesting parents to confirm on OSM details about your child which the Leaders require. These include contacts, relevant medical information, photo consent, gift aid declaration and Scout census information. We also need to ensure this information is kept up to date.
If you do not have access to a laptop/tablet/smartphone or would prefer to complete details on paper for any of the above, please contact a leader and we will make alternative arrangements.
To view our Privacy Policy